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Day 47 - Welcomed in Waterville

Bob Bryant

Yesterday's ride was another short one due to the 46 mile ride to Hallowell the day before. I was planning on riding into Winthrop, but I couldn't get a call back from the B&B there. I was glad I went to Hallowell and got to see Phil and Ellen, Jennifer, and the Alleys. Plus, it was a great town right next to the state capital of Augusta. If you get a chance to go there I recommend it!

The Second Street B&B in Hallowell is a beautiful place. The owner had breakfast with me and we had a great conversation before I headed out for Waterville. I experienced a rousing welcome into Waterville. I suppose I should have expected it as I was going to be staying with my mother.

You see she notified a local newspaper reporter who she knew about my arrival. Amy Calder called me a couple of days ago and I agreed to let her know when I was getting into town. The result was a photographer coming out to take some pictures of me on my bike (old fat guy on a bike) and a front page article on the Morning Sentinel. Now if only the AP will pick that up and I can build some momentum raising the $100k for CRI. Hell, if Central Maine all donates $10 each, I'll be well on my way to my goal! To read the article click on this link or the picture they took below: Morning Sentinel Newspaper Article

Welcomed in Waterville by my mother!

My mother also invited all the neighbors in her condo neighborhood to meet me and provide additional opportunities for fund raising. We sat on her back patio and sipped wine and beer and ate lobstah stew that her husband Rudy made for me. It was delicious! I did let them know that I had already had stew and a lobstah roll at the Harraseeket a couple of days ago. But who can get enough of lobstah stew?

Today I roll into Hartland to the house on the lake. I'm very much looking forward to that. It's also a relatively short ride at 30 miles. The day is beautiful and sunny and I'll be riding through the campus of Colby College here in Waterville. I'm looking forward to the ride!

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