Day 44 - Portage into Portland
Yesterday was another beautiful day to ride! Sunny and cool, but breezy. The beauty of that breeze was that it was at our backs. Our back would be mine and Steve Champagne's as we rode the 33 miles from Limerick, ME into Portland, ME. It was truly and amazing ride. I was happy to have Steve pull me, and pull away on the uphills! I could catch up on the downhills, sometimes. We saw some great scenery as we followed the Saco River into Portland.

The best thing was Steve was dropped off by his wife Leslie, so she portaged my baggage into Portland for me. What a delight with 40 - 50 lbs less weight on the back of the bike. I could actually keep up, with a little downhill, with Steve on his carbon fiber bike. I was wishing I had the Pinarello to ride on our way into Portland. I may have been able to actually stay on his wheel.

After arriving at Steve's house in Portland we made it down to part 1 of Brewery Heaven. This place in Portland, "the Riverside" as it's called was home to 5 breweries. 3 of them in 1 building! Allagash brewing and Definitive Brewing were next door while Foundation Brewing, Battery Steele, and Austin Street were all together. We made it to 4 of the 5 for samples. Allagash was avoided as I'll be there next week with the Brewer's Retreat for sampling and touring at Happy Hour on Sunday! Robert Cianchette joined us for the final 3 breweries, as he was getting out of work just down the street.

What a great day and a great time! Looking forward to relaxing today. Steve and I are going to go check the alewife run on the Millbrook River. Looking forward to seeing the fish jump the falls! It's good to be home!