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Day 40 - Descending into Northfield

Bob Bryant

After my harrowing adventure the day before, yesterday was glorious. There was some climbing to begin the ride, but it was all downhill, for the most part, after that! What a lot of fun that is when you can go 20 mph without trying very hard. And the scenery was awesome. I got in another covered bridge.

There were more beautiful streams.

Cummington, MA

I rode through Deerfield, MA truly a beautiful town with historic house after house after house. This is home to Deerfield Academy. I want to go back just to look at the houses again. It was truly an amazing town!

One of the many amazing houses in Deerfield, MA

Finally, I ended up at the Centennial House Inn B&B in Northfield, MA. Another beautiful B&B after feeling much much better than the day before. Both the ease of the ride as well as the fluids and antibiotics got me back to riding. I was glad my schedule didn't get changed. I'm riding with David Fowler, my 2nd cousin into NH today and will be staying at the Inn at Crotched Mountain. But it will be mostly uphill today, so I'll be making up for yesterday!

The video today doesn't have the capper I forgot to do it, again! But you can get the idea of the descent into Northfield!

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